Pop-up park coming to lakefront this summer
Source: Axios Cleveland
Abstract: The North Coast Waterfront Development Corporation is launching a “pop-up public space” on the lakefront this summer. Why it matters: The major infrastructural work of the North Coast Master Plan, including a pedestrian bridge, is still years away. The master planning has been complicated by the Trump administration and the likely departure of the Browns’ stadium.
Cleveland advances plan to fund lakefront development with new fees on visitors
Source: cleveland.com
Abstract: Cleveland’s vision for a more vibrant, accessible lakefront — funded by parking, dining, and hotel fees — moved closer to reality with City Council’s latest approval. Council members voted 14-2 Monday night to form what’s called a “new community authority” or “NCA,” an organization that can levy additional fees in a set geographic area. It can only charge these fees if property owners and businesses leasing space agree to them.
North Coast Yard Pop-Up Meant to Give Clevelanders a Taste of Lakefront Makeover
Source: Scene
Abstract: No one knows more about the difficult haul of making over Cleveland’s lakefront than Scott Skinner. Skinner, the head of the North Coast Waterfront Development Corporation, knows a heap of groundwork still lies ahead: extending sewer and water lines north of Huntington Bank Field, fortifying the bulkhead, confirming developers will actually build apartments.
North Coast Yard aims to attract people to downtown lakefront
Source: Crain’s Cleveland Business
Abstract: Downtown Cleveland visitors will have a new spot to visit this summer when the North Coast Yard opens on the city-owned lot, north of Huntington Bank Field. The new project was announced on Tuesday, March 4, by the North Coast Waterfront Development Corp. (NCWDC), Cleveland’s lakefront development nonprofit. The free, seasonal public venue will sit within a 25-acre surface parking lot between the stadium and Lake Erie, which is primarily used for Cleveland Browns parking, Scott Skinner, NCWDC executive director, told Crain’s.
North Coast Waterfront Development Corporation announces new lakefront park in downtown Cleveland: What to expect
Source: WKYC 3
Abstract: A new public space, North Coast Yard, will open on Cleveland’s downtown lakefront in the summer. The pop-up park, developed by the North Coast Waterfront Development Corporation (NCWDC), will offer free seasonal programming, recreational activities and food and drink from local vendors.
North Coast Yard announces new pop-up lakefront park in Cleveland
Source: Fox 8
Abstract: We’re looking ahead to the grand opening of a new space for Cleveland to enjoy. The North Coast Waterfront Development Corporation shared photos of the new North Coast Yard by Cleveland Browns Stadium. Hateful message left on Ohio restaurant receipt results in outpouring of support The site is part of the ongoing North Coast master plan near the Steamship Mather to bring seasonal programming to the lakefront beginning in the summer of 2025.